Study Book: Nehemiah 2:1-10
Personal Reflection
Nehemiah must have been looking depressed for months (from the time he heard the news) while serving the king, that one day the king asked his cupbearer the reason behind his dejected face. The king couldn't take it any longer. The happy Nehemiah doesn't look like the Nehemiah he knows. This sad face has been going on for months. The king sensed that his servant is going through a deep emotional struggle.
I love how Nehemiah responded. He didn't have any reservations. He did not let his fear stop him from telling the king the very truth behind his sorrow. Because of his boldness, the door to work out an answer to his concern was opened. However, his audacity was coupled with trust in his God through prayer. He didn't just thoughtlessly give the king a long list of what he needs, he started it all with a prayer. He is fully aware that anything he plans to do, will not be successful without involving God and putting Him first above everything.
Nehemiah is a man of great faith. The Holy Spirit included the story of Nehemiah's unwavering faith in God as a vivid illustration of what it is like when I put all my trust in Him. God never disappointed Nehemiah in his talk with the king. The king gave all that he requested. He even sent captains of his army and horsemen to accompany Nehemiah, to ensure the safety of his journey. He gave him a great success in all his endeavors because, in everything he did, he put God first. When I follow Nehemiah's example, God will surely do the same for me.
Camp Application
I've never been to RFK Camp before. I have a few pictures in my mind of what it will be like, but these are nothing compared to the actual scenario. I need the grace of God to remind me to put Him first in everything that I do or say. Doing this will bless all the people that I will be with especially the kids that I will be serving. I should not depend on my human efforts for they will bound to fail. But with God, I am bound to succeed in blessing the lives of the children and the volunteers.
"Following New Blue Prints Devotional is created for RFK Camp volunteers in preparation for RFKC 2018. Images used in this blog is a personal choice."
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