Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
"Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?"
The beginning of John 6 talks about the feeding of the five thousand. When Jesus saw the big crowd, His first words were, "Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?" He asked this question not because He didn't know what to do or where to get the food supply. He asked this question to one of His disciples (Philip) to test him. Philip responded of how not enough two hundred denarii is to buy that much food to feed all the people. Another disciple, Andrew having heard of what Jesus and Philip talked about came into the picture and told Jesus about a boy who has five loaves of bread and five fishes. Yet like Philip, he also compares and worries of how little there is available to feed the huge crowd.
Personal Revelation
As I was reading these passages, God spoke to me. The scene that happened in these passages is the same exact situation I am currently struggling.
It's been several days that I have been thinking about a new project I want to do for a business. I worried about budget. I want to purchase "new" tools, but do not have enough money to purchase them. I have tools I can use, but I want to get new ones thinking that it will help me make better and creative designs. Because part of me worries about budget, my focus is divided.
But thanks be to my God, who supplies all my needs! Reading what happened in the feeding of the five thousands, God told me exactly what to do: utilize what I have. That's what Jesus did. He used what was available. And how did the miracle happen? He gave thanks to the Father as He distributed the bread and fish to the people. The giving of thanks was the key to this miracle.
One of the things I really like on what Jesus did is telling His disciples to tell the people to "sit down." It means to "rest." Makes me think of Jesus telling me what to do when worries of supply overcomes me. He's like telling ne, "Hey, watch me. This is what you need to do. Gather what you have. Relax. Give thanks to the Father." As simple as that. My part is to believe that what I asked for, He supplies. Faith that is.
One of the things I really like on what Jesus did is telling His disciples to tell the people to "sit down." It means to "rest." Makes me think of Jesus telling me what to do when worries of supply overcomes me. He's like telling ne, "Hey, watch me. This is what you need to do. Gather what you have. Relax. Give thanks to the Father." As simple as that. My part is to believe that what I asked for, He supplies. Faith that is.
I thank the Lord for this revelation. With His grace, I know what to do and I worry no more.
Flourishing in grace,
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
The Greatest Knowledge
What do you believe is the greatest knowledge of all? Everyone has his own opinion with his own reason.
I tell you mine. The knowledge that I am so dearly loved by my Father in heaven is the greatest knowledge of all. I hold on to this truth. By His grace, I (try to) practice it everyday. I have to remind myself of this truth each day, specially on moments where heart is tempted.
Who and what can measure the love of the Father for His children? To try or even think is futile. I rest in His Word instead, and I am satisfied.
I love, love how the Apostle Paul used different terminologies just to explain the depth of God's love for us in Ephesians 3:17-19. Even the great Apostle is out of words. "And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
There is not enough words and no human mind can fully measure the love of God for us. Superlatives are insufficient. The understanding of great minds are puny to grasp. However, the Apostle Paul's prayer is quite re-assuring. People who are "rooted and established in love" can have the power to understand the immeasurable love of God for us, His children. These people are the ones who acknowledge the sacrifice and found the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. People who remained in His love and grace. Also noticed how he said, "together with all the Lord's holy people." This statement emphasizes the importance of the community of believers coming together. We need each other to understand His love. We cannot perceive His love by ourselves. We need to share the love to understand. The experience of giving, of receiving, of sharing the love imparts us understanding. Not by human knowledge, but by the understanding of the heart. The Apostle clearly spoke, that the love of God "surpasses knowledge." If we try to grasp the love of God just by studying it, our effort to do so ends in vain. Our inner being has to experience His love to understand, for the mind alone is never enough to fully receive the revelation of the Father's love.
What knowledge in our life do we hold dear? Is it a knowledge that stays today and gone tomorrow, or a knowledge that goes with us through eternal? Let us cling to the latter.
Blooming in Grace,
Friday, May 6, 2016
What is Your Gift?
Every person is born with a gift -- a special gift from his Creator. One cannot say, "I do not have such gift," for the Father never creates and sends out His people into the world without this gem. The gift that we received from Him we must acknowledge by utilizing it, not for our own accolades, but for the glory of His son, Jesus Christ.
Romans 12:6-8 encourages us to use our gifts. As people who belong to the body of Christ, our contribution to the church is essential. Our local church needs any minuscule help we can pitch in. Most of the time, we look at ourselves of somebody the church does not need. Instead of viewing ourselves as God's instrument to further His kingdom, we belittle our capabilities, and count ourselves unimportant. Thus, we shy away from getting involve. Every personal gift may look similar from other individuals, enough to make us think we are not needed. The thing is, our Father in His infinite wisdom designed every individual a unique, special twist in that gift that no other person possesses. We may not recognize it, but our Creator who formed us, does.
No one is too small in the eyes of God, specially when it comes to the works of His purpose for the entire world. Our presence and the gift He gave us greatly matter. We don't have to be in the limelight of the church's stage. We can serve behind the curtains and make a huge impact on the undertakings God puts in our hearts. People working behind the scenes are the backbone of the church. Without us, the church is crippled. The church is stagnant, and worse, collapse.
What is your gift? How much are you willing to share of it to the church and to the world? Would you rather keep it to yourself or make use of it for His kingdom and glory? Child of God, you are precious. Far valuable than the any gemstone this world can offer.
Blooming in Grace,
Friday, April 29, 2016
Who Are You God?
My mouth is closed
Unable to speak
For there are no perfect words
To make it open
And describe Your greatness
Awesome! Great! Mighty! Powerful! Amazing! Wonderful!
No...there are not enough adjectives and superlatives
To unlock Your mystery
Your true nature is beyond words
Your real being is beyond
What human mind could ever think of
Whose carnal mind could fully comprehend Your nature?
Not even the angels surrounding Your majestic throne
For You alone are You
Above everyone and everything else
Whether in heaven or on earth
Your essence is too deep
Immeasurable, infinite
An enigma that will forever remain
Unchanged, hidden
You and love is one
Love is in you
And You, are in love
Vivid, yet, mysterious
Who really are You God?
☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕
Heart's Musings
I wrote this blog more than a decade ago (planning to move the old blogs I wrote on this website). I wrote this blog at the time my heart started to long to know who God is. As I re-read this blog, some words caught my attention. I just smiled of how limited was my understanding of God then. Years had passed, as I continued to get to know Him more, I've known so many of His nature I was not aware of before.
My God is not an "enigma," "mysterious," nor He keeps Himself hidden. He reveals Himself to those who seek Him. He unfolds His essence in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. God is my Father, who lavishes me with many, many good things in His perfect love. My heart's desire is to know Him more and more.
Blooming in Grace,
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Life, to Whom Do You Belong to?
Life goes after its truest meaning the older it gets. While young, life pursues its worth on things the eyes behold. Things that satisfy fleshly cravings. People. Materials. Worldly matters, temporarily gratifying what it's truly seeking for. Mundane things suffice. For some time.
Life, you are meaningless without knowing who you really are. Who you belong to. You find everything pointless. As you ripen, the soul inside you groans. A piercing groan you cannot ignore, lest you become an aimless wanderer. You search for something deeper. Something of a profound essence, no material nor human being can compare its value. You ask, "Where, oh where can I find such thing?" You look for the thing the eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear. For you, Life, is eyeing on the same worthless things you hold dear.
No matter how you contend there is non-existent God who created you, deep, deep down, there is a void inside you waiting to be filled. An empty space. Do you feel it? Yes, you do. Every human being goes through it. The One who created you, intentionally formed and embedded that special hole in your innermost soul. You ask why? Because of His love for you. Because He knew. He knew one day you will go astray, away from His care. Away from His love. Oblivious to His goodness.
Yet a day will come, when that empty space inside you screams to burst. And when the appointed day takes place, the hunger inside you burns like fire. A searing longing. Uncontainable. You cry out to quench its demands. You cry out to fill that space...desperately. It was made for that purpose, so you Life, will look for Him.
Hush you life. Hush you mind, burden with questions. Hush you flesh glutted with arrogance. Incline your ears to your heart. Listen to its whispers, for it knows what your soul exactly longs for. It is the one deeply hooked to another beating heart. The heart of the Father beating for you even before you were formed in your mama's womb. This revelation inside may feel too much for the heart to bear. Feels like exploding. Take a deep breath, feel the tightness loosen. Cry. Let it out. Don't hold back the tears to refresh the soul; the barren, thirsty soul, waiting for so long to bathe in His washing. Refresh in the washing of the One who gave up His life for you. Succumb to the heart of the Cross and taste freedom; witness true life; delight in His rest!
You are the Father's, and the Father is yours. You belong together. He did everything out of His perfect love to take you back home. Wrapped in the fullness of His grace. Resting in the glory of the Cross. Come home, Life. Home to the One who first loved you -- Jesus.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb." -- Psalm 139:13
Blooming in Grace,
Blooming in Grace,
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
His Daughter of Little Faith (Re-post)
(Re-posted and edited personal blog written in November 2006.)
Alone in my quiet moment with God, I settled myself on bed. A headphone was tucked on my ears, enjoying one of Hillsong's albums lent by a brother in my choir. I adore Hillsong Music. I find myself patronizing their music more. I think I'll grow old having their songs sealed on my lips.
There's one issue glued on my mind. Faith. How much faith do I have for God?
The question led me to the faith I have on the material things I use everyday. I thought of my confidence on these things, how I trust each one will serve me according to its specific purpose. The faith in shampoo and soap to clean up the dirt; the faith on clothes I wear to make me look good; the faith for comb to untangle messy hair. The list is too long to mention everything.
I have faith in God. But honestly, it's a faith that wavers all the time. When dipped in a hot, bubbling barrel of test which seemed like impassable for my carnal mind, I doubt the help God promised me. The amount of faith I have for the material things and human beings around me is bigger than the faith I have for God. Pathetic. Yet, the truth speaks for itself. I don't doubt the adequacy of material things to gratify me. But with God, I have a half-baked faith. It's not absolute. It's a faith supplemented with doubts and fears.
I am not comparing God with earthly things. My God is incomparable. All I desire is to have faith in Him. A faith enveloped in full confidence and assurance. A faith like I give my chair at work to support my whole body all throughout the day. A faith I have on food to satisfy my cravings. Faith on a chilled bottle of water to quench my thirst. Sounds too easy, effortless. He asks me the same faith, even if the size is only as tiny as a mustard seed.
My mind says the faith my heart desires to have for God is impossible. But His Word says, with God, all things are possible. I believe in the Word.
My faith in God is developed in time through sufferings, pains, trials, tests, afflictions. It is not an overnight project. It is something I have to learn, re-learn. Take, re-take. I will never have faith without going through dark seasons of life. In my darkness, there I see God's love shining down on me, His abounding grace covers me. My faith increases. My faith perfected.
My faith in God is developed in time through sufferings, pains, trials, tests, afflictions. It is not an overnight project. It is something I have to learn, re-learn. Take, re-take. I will never have faith without going through dark seasons of life. In my darkness, there I see God's love shining down on me, His abounding grace covers me. My faith increases. My faith perfected.
I pray and ask for a renewed, unshakable faith. A faith that never doubt nor fear. An absolute faith. A faith that surrenders everything to my Father, come what may. A faith that proudly says "You are my Almighty God. In You, everything I trust."
(10 years after I wrote this blog, my faith in God has grown and is still growing. There are bits in my life where I have a hard time giving in. Despite my little faith on these areas, my Father, always, always, lavish me His unwavering faithfulness.)
(10 years after I wrote this blog, my faith in God has grown and is still growing. There are bits in my life where I have a hard time giving in. Despite my little faith on these areas, my Father, always, always, lavish me His unwavering faithfulness.)
Related verses
Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 6:30
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
Matthew 9:22
Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
Romans 4:20-21
"Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised."
Blooming in Grace,
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Facebook Scripture Challenge: Day 7 of 7
Scripture: John 3:16
Heart's Musings
Heart's Musings
In my own opinion, John 3:16 is the heart of the story between God and man. This verse sums up the message God longs to reveal to His children. If every person spends time to meditate and believe the truth this Good News declares, no sheep gets lost. But we live in a fallen world where many hardened their hearts to receive the love the Father offers. Or could it be, no one told them about it. Something needs to be done. Time to move and do the work.
Blooming in Grace,
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Facebook Scripture Challenge: Day 5 of 7
Scripture: Romans 8:38-39
Heart's Musings
This verse is one of my favorite Bible verses. I love the confidence the message conveys. Knowing that nothing in heaven or on earth can cause my Father to not love me, delivers my fear of crumbling into nothingness. If there is anyone I want me to love me, it is my Creator. The good news is, I have His love. The love my heart desires. It is the kind of love that never waivers, never changes, no matter what.
Blooming in Grace,
Heart's Musings
This verse is one of my favorite Bible verses. I love the confidence the message conveys. Knowing that nothing in heaven or on earth can cause my Father to not love me, delivers my fear of crumbling into nothingness. If there is anyone I want me to love me, it is my Creator. The good news is, I have His love. The love my heart desires. It is the kind of love that never waivers, never changes, no matter what.
Blooming in Grace,
Monday, April 4, 2016
Facebook Scripture Challenge: Day 5 of 7
Scripture: Colossians 4:6
Heart's Musings
Heart's Musings
The words that come out of our mouth matters. More so in our conversation with those who do not have Christ in their heart. We cannot be a beacon of God's love when judgment looms our mouth. Words of encouragement, understanding, acceptance, and affection help us illuminate the light of Jesus in their life.
Blooming in Grace,
Blooming in Grace,
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Facebook Scripture Challenge: Day 4 of 7
Scripture: Philippians 4:6-8
Heart's Musings
Heart's Musings
How easy it is to say to somebody, "do not be anxious about anything." What person does not get worried about the things in life? Where can you find such person?
I worry a lot of things. My family, specially. As a mom, I worry about the safety of my girls. I worry about the health of my husband. I worry about finances. I worry about the well-being of my family from miles away. I worry a lot of things, big and small.
However, reading what is written on Philippians 4:6-8 makes a difference on how I must approach this issue. This passage reminds me of how I can slay the concerns of my mind that give me nothing, but a sense of defeat.
The Father knows that there are times we get anxious about something. But He doesn't want us to feel lost when we are caught in the situation. He gave us encouragement on what to do whenever we find ourselves falling in the trap of mental and emotional distress. What must we do? Simply lift up our concerns to Him with thanksgiving and praise. Surely He will guard our hearts and minds. He promised to give us His shalom, peace.
The Father knows that there are times we get anxious about something. But He doesn't want us to feel lost when we are caught in the situation. He gave us encouragement on what to do whenever we find ourselves falling in the trap of mental and emotional distress. What must we do? Simply lift up our concerns to Him with thanksgiving and praise. Surely He will guard our hearts and minds. He promised to give us His shalom, peace.
Blooming in Grace,
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Facebook Scripture Challenge: Day 3 of 7
My faith in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ deepens by hearing the Word. I try to make it a routine each morning to listen to a good, Christ-centered sermons (been listening to Joseph Prince's sermons for a few years now). Thank God for technology, I am able to hear His Word through anointed preachers on television, YouTube, or other websites. I do go to church on some Sundays, but listening to the Word of God is not a Sunday exclusive kind of agenda. Hearing and feeding on the Word everyday has become a necessity in my everyday matters, not just for times when it is convenient. Each waking moment, the grace of my Father is my ultimate need. Listening to His Word supplies me the faith that my day demands.

Blooming in Grace,
Friday, April 1, 2016
Facebook Scripture Challenge: Day 2 of 7
Scripture: Romans 10:14-15
Heart's Musings
Those who know Jesus are called to bring the Good News to those who do not know Him. Why until now, so many people still don't know about the Son, what He has done for every person, and the great love of the Father to His children? It is because many of us, followers of Christ do not share what we know. Why? The list of alibis is piling. I have my own list as a matter of fact. But by the grace of God, I am starting to get up on my feet to tell people the kind of love the Father has for everyone. The Father's love is too awesome to not share. Thankfully, it is not too late for me to do my commission. It's not too late for you either.
One day, I want to hear my Father says, "How beautiful are your feet that bring good news to my children!"
Blooming in Grace,
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Facebook Scripture Challenge: Day 1 of 7
A dear friend on Facebook nominated me yesterday for a Scripture Challenge. The challenge is to post a Scripture on your Facebook status each day for 7 days. Everyday you post a different Scripture from the one previously shared. You tag two people from your friends' list to pass the challenge on. If you haven't heard or tried this challenge, well, allow me awaken your spirit and take the dare. Spread the Word! Spread the love! :)
Today is my first day. The Scripture I choose is Isaiah 40:8.
Heart's Musings
This verse is a great reminder of how everything in this world is temporal. Nothing and no one is exempted, but the Word of God. How great it is to hang onto the thing that does not cease to exist. It's what gives us assurance of eternal things awaiting for us after everything fades away.
Blooming in Grace,
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